Have I Broken My Toe?

Have I Broken My Toe?

What is this picture? Below is an ultrasound of a ladies little toe. Many people think that an X-ray is needed to show a break in the bone but this isn’t the case. The picture below is proof. It shows there is a break and that it hasn’t healed. Sometimes just knowing...
Our 5 Star Plantar Fasciitis  Treatment

Our 5 Star Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Check out our latest Patient review… Plantar fasciitis is the most common condition patients bring to the clinic. It can cause pain anywhere from soreness when waking up first thing in the morning to debilitating pain that prevents people from going into work....
Will Nail Surgery Make My Toe Look Ugly?

Will Nail Surgery Make My Toe Look Ugly?

Many of my patients think that having nail surgery, as in having the sides of the nail removed from the big toe will make the toe look ‘odd’ or ugly. Below are a couple of pictures, the big toe on the left foot is the result of nail surgery I carried out back at the...
Diagnosing A Stress Fracture With Ultrasound

Diagnosing A Stress Fracture With Ultrasound

Ultrasound has been discussed on many occasions in our previous blog posts but we haven’t gone into any detail as to the effectiveness of looking at stress fractures.  Most people consider a break to be seen on an X-Ray, or so you would think. In fact, the x-ray...
Ingrown Toenail Treatment Results

Ingrown Toenail Treatment Results

Ingrown toenails are a patient issue we see regularly… We always try to treat our patients’ ingrown toenails with chiropody, which we define as cutting and trimming down the side to alleviate the nail into the skin. However, in this poor girls instance, we...
Fighting Verrucas One Foot At A Time

Fighting Verrucas One Foot At A Time

Warning! Satisfying before and after photo coming up… Now firstly you will see I’m a dreadful photographer, but hopefully, you’ll be able to see what we achieved! The verrucas seen in the first photo were present on this gentleman’s foot for...

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