Ultrasound has been discussed on many occasions in our previous blog posts but we haven’t gone into any detail as to the effectiveness of looking at stress fractures.
Most people consider a break to be seen on an X-Ray, or so you would think.
In fact, the x-ray showed below looking at the base of the 5th metatarsal was actually missed. Yes, you heard right missed! Which lead the young man to come and see me in the clinic.
Both the young man and his mother presumed it was soft tissue that was the issue, but in fact, this wasn’t the case and the fracture as can be seen with the break in the ‘white line’ on ultrasound demonstrates the usefulness, and quick nature to diagnose a stress fracture.
As we all know the NHS is somewhat overworked, and so we can excuse them for overlooking this, this is where we come in.
Ultrasound assessment carried out by Jon at Sussex Foot Centre isn’t carried out anywhere else in Sussex and we pride ourselves on that.
If you’re suffering from pain, get in touch with our expert podiatrists. There could be a wide range of reasons you’re experiencing this pain and we will dedicate ourselves to pinpointing a cause and tailor make a treatment to suit you and your individual needs.